The Hazen Memorial Library is a community center where all age groups gather for meaningful programs, social interaction, wireless internet access, free public computers, recreational reading, research, magazines, newspapers, audios, movies and electronic services such as e-books. We encourage you to visit the library and take advantage of all the services and programs available. Visit us online at www.shirleylibrary.org and see our new website which provides all the information you need to know about using the library and access to our electronic resources.


The Hazen Memorial Library is pleased to report a 6.5% increased usage of library services in FY11. Longer loan periods for books, increased access to online resources, and an unusually severe winter resulted in fewer daily visitors. On average, 1,040 people visit the library each week, and borrow 2,400 library items. Refer to the table for more statistics.













Total Circulation

(All Items Borrowed)

























Number of Meeting Room Uses









Number of Library Programs











Program Attendance














Children’s programs are a vital aspect of library services, and we provide a rich children's collection including picture books, board books, beginning reader, fiction, non-fiction, magazines, music, movies, audio books on CD, and resources for parents and child care providers, reference books, databases and computer stations with internet access. Many children especially enjoy the play and reading area with puzzles, building blocks, a train set, and a dollhouse. Our “Goodnight Moon” story time room is brightly painted with scenes from Margaret Wise Brown's classic children's story. “Mother Goose on the Loose”, a program for babies up to age 3 is still going strong since its inception in 2005, made possible by a state grant. Preschool story time attracts families with children ages 3-5 eager to hear age appropriate stories and create fun craft projects. New programs included the Cookie book club, a Mother-Daughter book club, Book club for boys, and Teen poetry club.

The Youth Services librarian developed and led 127 programs in FY11, for infants to teenagers, with attendance of 4,503. The Friends of the Hazen Memorial Library sponsored Tykes Itsy-Bitsy Yoga, KinderMusik, Halloween Magic Show, LEGO club, Pumpernickel Puppet Show, and a Jungle Encounters Ice Age Animal Show. In addition, the Friends fund all the craft supplies for story time events.

Summer Reading

Hazen library supports and provides resources for the summer reading requirements of all area schools. In addition, we offer a summer reading program based on a nationwide theme. A total of 196 children participated in the library’s 2011 “One World, Many Stories” summer reading program. All funding for the program comes from sources outside of the town budget, as follows: The Shirley Cultural Council, who sponsored the Magic of Scott Jameson, a major donation from Bemis Associates, the Library Trustees Fund, and the Friends of the Hazen Library.

Summer programs included: World Yo-Yo champion John Higby, funded by Bemis Associates, weekly Lego’s club, Teen gaming night, and the grand finale Ice Cream social and reading prize awards.


Adult programs are funded by sources outside of the appropriated budget, mainly the Friends of the Hazen Memorial Library. Programs held in FY11 were: the Holiday Fair and giant cookie sale; a Holiday Tea with a visit from Mark Twain sponsored by the Shirley Cultural Council; a book and bake sale; book signing with Edie Clark, author of “States of Grace”; Rory Raven, mentalist; Eyes on Owls; a showing of a historical film about Shirley; Gardener’s Exchange meetings; book reading and signing with Peter Longley, author of “Captive” and “Compelled”. The library sponsored a summer reading program for adults, with prizes such as Kimball’s ice cream coupons, Barnes and Noble gift certificates, and the grand prize, a Nook e-reader. Funding for adult summer reading came from the Library Trustees Fund. Shirley Recreation continues to sponsor Senior and Adult Yoga classes. In FY11, the library sponsored or hosted a total of 177 programs for adults with 3,041 participants.


1. The minimum State Aid requirements were met therefore the library was certified to receive $10,720.00 from this grant.

2. The Small Libraries in Networks grant was also received, which applies a $2,500 savings on our C/W Mars network membership fees.

3. The library director applied for an LSTA grant from the MBLC for $7,500. If approved, this grant funding will run from October 2011 to September 2012, and will give staff members additional training in reader’s advisory.


Many popular events were again made possible in FY11 by the hard work and inspiration of our Friends. All museum passes are paid for by the group’s fundraising efforts: Butterfly Place, Boston Children’s Museum, Davis Farmland, Ecotarium, Fruitlands, Massachusetts State Parks, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Museum of Science, and the New England Aquarium. Your continued membership to the Friends will keep these programs and museum passes available to all. If you are looking for a rewarding volunteer experience, check the Library’s online calendar of events at www.shirleylibrary.org and attend the next Friend’s meeting.


As library services become more in demand, the contributions of our faithful volunteers are more important than ever. We give grateful thanks to all our volunteers for their dedicated service. A very special “thank you” to Barbara Masiero for her many years of exceptional service to the library. We are so fortunate to have you on our team.


Thanks to the Hazen Memorial Library staff: Director Debra Roy, Sue Cusick, Kathleen Farrar, Chris McNeal, Mary Lou Clark, Carol Landers, Steven Banks, and Shirley Lanteigne, whose commitment to providing knowledgeable and friendly customer service make our library successful and this board a pleasure on which to serve.


Respectfully submitted,

Trustees of the Hazen Memorial Library, FY11

Cornelia Donovan, Chair

Elizabeth Quinty, Vice Chair

Elizabeth West, Secretary

Linda McClellan, Treasurer

Susan Johnston

Dwight W. Smith